Memorial Day Holiday Schedule:
- Friday 5/28: 6:30AM, 12PM, 4:30PM ONLY (5:45PM Cancelled)
- Saturday 5/29: 9AM, 10:30AM (Normal Schedule)
- Sunday 5/30: Open Gym 10-12PM (Normal Schedule)
- Monday 5/31: 9AM, 10:30AM, All other classes CANCELLED
It is an annual tradition to commemorate all of men and women who have died in military service for the United States on Memorial Day by doing the CrossFit workout “Murph”.
“Murph” is:
Run 1 mile
(100 pullups + 200 pushups + 300 squats) *Partition anyhow
Run 1 mile
Optional: perform with a 20lb weight vest. We will hold 2 classes on Memorial Day, May 31st (all other classes are cancelled).
Class/Heat 1: 9:00AM
Class/Heat 2: 10:30AM
Athletes will have the option to perform this by workout in pairs or teams of 3, or by themselves. Doing this as a pair or team is a great approach if this is your first time or you’re a bit intimidated.

05 31 21 Memorial Day