Our nutrition challenge starts today! If you still want in, email us! “BulletProof Coffee” – by Anmar WOD 01 13 14 A. Back Squat (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%). Use 1RM from last week. Target >6 reps. B. (If >5 Pullups) Bent Over Row:
01 06 14
Check out our 2014 Nutrition Challenge details! Last lecture @ 7:30PM tomorrow! CFRTP Ski Trip! Paleo Meals anyone? WOD 01 06 14 A1. Back Squat: (5 @ 59%, 5@ 68%, ME@ 77%). Add 10lbs to previous 1RM and then calculate percentages. A2.
12 16 13
Thanks to everyone for coming out to our Christmas Party on Saturday night! It was a blast! Its flu season, so lets all do each other a favor and make sure we are doing the right thing to prevent