Congratulations to Liz and Eron for tying the knot this weekend! CrossFit Games to air on ESPN starting 10/2. We are hosting a competition on Saturday, Nov 2 and are looking for willing volunteers! Let us know if
09 24 13
WOD 09 24 13 A. Back Squat: (5@70%, 5@74%, ME@77%) B. Wide Stance Good Mornings (5×8) using a moderate weight. This is a great exercise for tight hamstrings. If new to this movement, start with an empty bar. C. 4
09 05 13
7AM Class today! WOD 09 05 13 A. BS: EOMOM (0:00, 2:00…) 6×2 @ 80% B. 10 min to work on Double Unders C. For time: Row 750m 50 Squats (Adv: 100) Run 800m Post times, loads, and comments.