09 05 14

WOD 09 05 14 P A. BS 7×4 (as a starting guideline, use 70-75%)   B. For time [C10]: 14-10-6 OHS (135/95) 7-5-3 Bar MU* *Sub 2:1 CTB Pullup or 3:1 K-pullup   C. 5 rds: 0:60 max DU + 0:60 rest.  (10

09 03 14

WOD 09 03 14 A1. BS 6×6.  *Sets across. A2 (P). False Grip Scap-Pulls 5×8.  If your FG goes, finish all 10 w/o FG.  If you can do strict MU, perform 5 sets of 2-5 reps. A2 (F). Scap Pulls 5×8 C. 3RFT [C10]: 9

08 25 14

“I’m just now getting a chance to write a note about how bummed I am to be leaving CrossFit RTP. It didn’t just transform my body – it completely changed my attitude toward fitness and health. (I went from “I