Check this out! WOD 11 05 12 Today’s Strength portion is timed. A1. 20 seconds AMRAP Deadlift (T&G) x3. Load is up to you, but you must achieve 12 or more reps. Start this at 0:00, 5:00, 10:00 A2.
Check this out! WOD 11 05 12 Today’s Strength portion is timed. A1. 20 seconds AMRAP Deadlift (T&G) x3. Load is up to you, but you must achieve 12 or more reps. Start this at 0:00, 5:00, 10:00 A2.
Happy Birthday D$! Your b-day WOD will be next week! WOD 10 10 12 A1. Bench Press (8@50%, 6@60%, 4@75%, 4@80%, 4@85%) Rest 30 seconds. A2. Chinup: 5 x (F-2) Rest 3 minutes B. 3 Rounds of: 40 sec