WOD 11 07 14 P A. 7 RNFT (steady pace): 4-6 S-HSPU (+def if needed) 4 Burpee Box Overs (24″/20″) 8 Pistols 4 BBO 1 Clean @ 85% B. 4×5 1-arm DB Row AHAP. 5 each arm. To be performed with
11 05 14
WOD 11 05 14 P A1. OTM [12] Hang Snatch + 2 OHS A2. OTM [12] 2 Snatch Halting Deadlift (2 second pause just above knee, return to ground) + Snatch B. BS: 5×2 Work to a heavy double C.
11 04 14
WOD 11 04 14 A. 12 Rds @ easy pace: (DB/KB is preferred over barbell) Run 100m* / Row 150m. Keep this portion to about 1 minute total per round. Rds 1-4: 1 set of 6 Strict Press Rds 5-8: 1 set of 5