01 21 14

Road trip this Sunday!  Are you coming?   WOD 01 21 14 A. Bench Press (5@68%, 3@77%, ME@86%).  Sub pushups if you have <5 strict pushups.  1 set EMOM (F-2). B. L sit: 4 sets for max time. C. 3 Rounds:

01 18 14

MLK Day Holiday Schedule: 7AM, 10AM, 6:30PM  All other classes cancelled.   WOD 01 18 14 A1. Skin the cat: 3×4.  Spend some time inverted if new to movement. A2. Hollow Rocks 5×12 B. “Filthy Fifty” *Scale to “Dirty Thirty”

12 10 13

Virtuosity. It goes farther than just impeccable form on your lifts. It means more than hitting the range of motion on every single rep – no matter how exhausted or wobbly you are. Virtuosity is more than just skillful ability.