Road trip this Sunday! Are you coming? WOD 01 21 14 A. Bench Press (5@68%, 3@77%, ME@86%). Sub pushups if you have <5 strict pushups. 1 set EMOM (F-2). B. L sit: 4 sets for max time. C. 3 Rounds:
01 14 14
WOD 01 14 14 A. Bench Press (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%). Target >6 reps. B. 3 Rounds: AMRAP 2 min 7 STO (115/75) 7 Hang Cleans (115/75) 7 Target Burpees (6″) C. EMOM (15 min) 1 set of Pushups EMOM for total
11 22 13
Movie night (This Sunday)! Who wants some awesome shorts? MEMBERS: We now no longer require a login to comment on the blog, but for those of you who still want to login, just go to the “members” menu to “Comments login”!