07 14 14

WOD 07 14 14 A. BS (5@68%,3@77%,ME@86%) B. GHR (3×12) C. [AMRAP 12]: *GL = Gym Length Backward W lunge 1 GL + Run backwards 2 GL 10 HLR Row 15 Cals C. Adv [AMRAP 12] Backward W lunge 1 GL + Run backwards 2 GL (60/40) 15 T2B Row

06 21 14

CFRTP Summer Nutrition Challenge! We will have a few athletes competing at the Firestarter Challenge today and tomorrow!   Come out and help cheer them on! Saturday: Individual: Wade, David, Satana, Revanth, Megan Sunday: Team: Cat, Murphie, Jose, Anmar   WOD

05 30 14

WOD 05 30 14 A. FS: 3-3-3-3  Sets across. B. Strict Hanging Leg Raise: 4×6 C. FT [15]: 50 FS (45% 1RM) 75 KBS 100 DU Each time you rack the bar or put the KB down, perform 3 burpees.