Hoodies are back in stock! WOD 11 09 13 A. 20 min to work to a max of [1 Clean + 2 FS + Jerk] B. in 12 minutes: working in teams of 2: 35 STO (155/105) 120 seconds
10 02 13
WOD 10 02 13 A. 20 min to work to a max of: Nov: [2RM FS] Interm: [Hang Power Clean + 2 FS] Rx: [Hang Squat Clean + FS + T&G Squat Clean + FS + Jerk] B. 4 RFT:
09 09 13
Competition Recap from “Throwdown” Social: Field Day! WOD 09 09 13 A. Back Squat: 6×3 @ 80%. No timed component B. Glute Ham Raise: 3×8 AHAP. C. Throwdown Individual E5 [C10]: AMRAP 10 min: 60 KBS (53/35) 45 Box