WOD 12 19 14 WU: 8-7-6-5: Pushup, Jumping Jack, Air Squat / PVC (light) OHS A1. OTM: Push Jerk (6-6-4-4-4-4) Increasing. Go as heavy as perfect technique allows. A2. OTM: Row {0:20/0:40}. Attempt to maintain meters rowed each rd. Score =
WOD 12 19 14 WU: 8-7-6-5: Pushup, Jumping Jack, Air Squat / PVC (light) OHS A1. OTM: Push Jerk (6-6-4-4-4-4) Increasing. Go as heavy as perfect technique allows. A2. OTM: Row {0:20/0:40}. Attempt to maintain meters rowed each rd. Score =