10 18 14

WOD 10 18 14 A. OHS: Work up to a heavy single B. RC technique review C. In teams of 3 w/ 1PW@T: 40 Thrusters (135/95) 7 Rope Climbs 30 Thrusters 5 Rope Climbs 20 Thrusters 3 Rope Climbs

10 11 14

WOD 10 11 14 A. Work up to a heavy single OHS or Snatch Balance B. In teams of 3 with 1 person working at a time: 120 Pushups 90 Pullups 60 OHS (95/65) Row 3K as a team 60 OHS (95/65) 90 Pullups

10 01 14

WOD 10 01 14 A. BS (7×4) B (P). 5×1: 3-Pos Snatch (mid thigh, below the knee, shin) B (F). 4×5 Squat Jumps (depth need not be below parallel) C. 2 rds [AMRAP 3]: 10 OHS (95/65) 10 Burpees (P)