07 18 14

Durham Bulls Social moved to next Monday (7/21)! WOD 07 18 14 A. FS (5@68%,3@77%,ME@86%) B. EMOM [7]: 7 x 4 OHS or 7 x 2 Hang Snatch (65-70%) C. FT [C14]: Run 400m 5 Rds: (15 WB + 15 Pullup) Run 400m C.

06 24 14

CFRTP Summer Nutrition Challenge! (Starts in a week!)  Click the link for details!  Don’t forget to attend seminars this week! WOD 06 24 14 A. EMOM for AMMAP [C14]: 7 Thrusters (75/55) 7 Pullups 7 Burpees *When work is not complete, (-1) from all movements

06 21 14

CFRTP Summer Nutrition Challenge! We will have a few athletes competing at the Firestarter Challenge today and tomorrow!   Come out and help cheer them on! Saturday: Individual: Wade, David, Satana, Revanth, Megan Sunday: Team: Cat, Murphie, Jose, Anmar   WOD