A. Strict Press (3 @ 63%, 3@ 72%, ME@ 81%) B. Strict Pullups (As many as possible in 3 minutes. Score is total reps). *Adv: Wide Grip or Weighted (required if you can do 15 or more). C. With one continuous
04 19 13
Wine and Grapes festival this Saturday! Best of luck to D$, Ashley “All Day” and Kris as they head down to South Carolina to compete at the “Vengeance Games“! WOD 04 20 13 A. Push Press (5@59%, 5@68%, ME@77%)
04 11 13
There is a local CrossFit competition this Sunday at CrossFit Invoke (downtown Raleigh) if anyone is interested (it’s for a great cause!) Teams of 2 male or 2 female. Speaking of competition… Have you checked out our upcoming Events?