WOD 05 29 13 A. Deadlift (5@68%, 3@77%, ME@86%) B. AMRAP 12 min Row 150m 2-4-6-8… *Clean and Jerk (135/95)** 8 BF Burpees *Add 2 reps each round. **Optional: Snatch (135/95) C. Pronated grip hang for max time. (arms extended, 1.25 diam
05 24 13
Memorial Day Weekend Schedule: Sat: 9AM, 10AM (Phil’s party at 5PM!) Sun: 11AM Open Gym Mon: 10AM, 11AM (all other classes cancelled) WOD 05 24 13 A. Push Press (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@ 81%) using 1RM* B. Squats or OHS skill
05 13 13
Want to get better at your Olympic lifts? WOD 05 13 13 A. Back Squat B. 15-12-9 Thrusters (115/80)* T2B Rest exactly 3 minutes Row 500m *Use 35-45% of Front Squat max Post times, loads, and comments.