WOD 07 15 14 A. BP (5@68%,3@77%,ME@86%) B. Underhand Bent Over Row (4×8) (1 sec hold @ top) C. 5 Rds NFT [15] 7 DH Pullups 7 KB Snatch OR DB Hang Snatch (each arm) 49 DU C. 5RFT (Adv) [20]: 7
07 09 14
RTP Durham Bulls outing! The CrossFit Games are coming! WOD 07 09 14 A. DL (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B1. HH Muscle Snatch (4×8) B2. Band Pullaparts (4×10) C. *FT [12]: 50 Burps + 50 Strict Pullups (Adv: 50 Burps + 50 Strict
06 18 14
CFRTP Summer Nutrition Challenge! This weekend we will have a few athletes competing at the Firestarter Challenge! Come out and help cheer them on! Saturday: Individual: Wade, Matthew, David, Satana, Revanth Sunday: Team: Cat, Murphie, Jose, Anmar WOD 0618