Road trip this Sunday!  Are you coming?


WOD 01 21 14

A. Bench Press (5@68%, 3@77%, ME@86%).  Sub pushups if you have <5 strict pushups.  1 set EMOM (F-2).

B. L sit: 4 sets for max time.

C. 3 Rounds:


10 Hang Cleans or FS (115/75)
10 T2B
15 DU

1 set MU (Skip entirely or scale to 5 R. Dips if you can do 5 unbroken)

Rest 2 min between rounds.

Comments: What do you like more: Longer and slower WODs or shorter and faster WODs?

Post times, loads, and comments.

D$ AK Toes to Bar

01 21 14
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One thought on “01 21 14

  • 01 21 2014 at 12:57 pm

    long and fast!

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