A. OTM [4]: SqCl Thruster (build to a H2-T&G)
B. OTM [3]: SqCl Thruster (build to a H1)
C. [15] Mid thigh clean pull + mid thigh clean (from blocks) (1+1)x4
D. 4 Rds (build load each set):
2 SqCl + 4 FS + 6 thruster + 8 lunges; 1 rep = Fwd + Back (either leg)
rest walk 3 min
*E. 4RNFT: 1-arm DB high row x 5/arm + 15 CTBPU + ClapPU x 8
A. OTM [4]: 3 FS + 2 Thrusters
B. OTM [3]: 1 FS + 4 Thrusters
C. OTM [15]: Hang Clean technique (15×2)
D/E: same
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