CrossFit Games Open 2014 has arrived!  Have you registered for our team?  What have you got to lose?


WOD 02 11 14

A. Choose one of the following:

  • Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerk (AHAP)
  • Hang Power Clean + 1 FS (light if new)
  • KB Swings (8 x 8)

Then, make plans to come to the C&J Clinic next Wed (2/19) or Snatch clinic (2/17)!

B. Pullups!  With a running clock for 8 minutes, in teams, and with 1PW@T, take turns performing 1 set of pullups.  Shoot for 3-10 reps per turn.  Chinups, flex holds, and negatives are also acceptable during each turn, as are combination of chins, pullups, flex holds, and negatives.  Max of 8 people per team (the entire class can be a team), so split into multiple teams if needed.

C. For time:

30 Air Squats

[3-6-9-12 of

Push Jerk (115/80)


30 Air Squats

Comments: Did you participate in the Open last year?  If so, what do you remember most?

Post times, loads, and comments.

Nina Toes to Bar

02 11 14
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3 thoughts on “02 11 14

  • 02 11 2014 at 1:44 pm

    2013 open highlight: Doing 13.1 a second time and finally getting a 100lb snatch on the board. woot.
    p.s. we have 20 folks registered for open now. A 233% increase from last Monday. Keep it happening people.

    • 02 11 2014 at 3:24 pm

      It’s totally because Anmar signed up! He’s the first one to go over to the other records board, and now look at it!!

      Anmar, maybe give us some portfolio tips? 😀

  • 02 11 2014 at 11:26 pm

    The team pullup thing was a lot of fun!

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