CF Games Open Announcement: Alright folks! The second CF Games Open WOD has been announced! Here’s how the next few days are going to shake out:
Friday: A few folks will be performing the workouts at the 6:30PM class this evening for logistics reasons. Feel free to stay after 5:30 to cheer them on!
Saturday: Heats and schedules:
We will be running heats approximately 15 minutes apart and we will post sign up sheets at the gym (you can sign up on Friday) for the heats. The gym will open at 9AM, and the first heat will start at 9:30AM. There will be posted warm-up for all athletes to perform and everyone is encouraged to show up to cheer on your fellow teammates! After the WOD, we will be grilling out and having a little BBQ at the box (it’s supposed to be in the 60’s)! Feel free to bring your own food items to grill and whatever you’d like to drink!
Check out the Hand care and tutorial on taping your hands here!
WOD 03 07 14
For those coming to the Open tomorrow, use today as an Open Gym to practice OHS and work on CTB Pullups (don’t rip your hands!). If you’re not coming to the Open on Saturday, perform the following:
A. 15 min to work on kipping as a skill. If you don’t have at least 2 strict pullups yet, work on chinup negatives (starting from Chest)
B. Overhead Squat: 4 sets of 5-10 reps (95/65)
C. 5 RFT (Optional):
Row 250m
1 Prowler Push (P+135/P+45)
20 Double Unders
Post times, loads, and comments.
I’m going to have my hands removed and get hooks installed
Will that heal by Monday night? Make good choices!
I’ll just put super glue over the stitches duh
Chest-to-bar pullups……cause regular pullups aren’t difficult enough.
Me at 6am today…
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never again
ctb fail and gif fail! I fail this day.