A1. q (4:00) – start @ 0:00: 5×3 FS. 2 sec pause on last rep of each set if mobility allows. Maintain lumbar extension.
A2. q (4:00) – start @ 2:00: 5 x (5-8) Strict CTB Pullups. Full ROM for everyone – use band or RR to achieve ROM.
B. AMRAP [10]:
20 KBS (53/35)
1-arm Waiter’s carry (length of gym x 2: L then R). Use lighter KB or DB for this if needed.
3 BMU or 6 V-ups (start hollow, then “V-up”. Hands and feet need not touch)
Run 200m
Ladies night this Friday night 3/20 – meet at Shiki Sushi @ 6:45PM.
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