A. Clean DL (below knee) + Clean DL (above knee) + Full Clean: 7×1
B1. OTM [20]: 1 PJ + 1 Split Jerk
B2. OTM [20]: 1 set BMU or BMU skill work
C. 8 min: teams of 2 or 3
5 rds of:
3 Wall walks or 18 shoulder touches
6 Cleans (205/145) or 12 Deadlifts (225/155) where 1 Clean = 2 DL
With remaining time: max strict pullups
D. Extra: 4×15 2 arm lateral DB raises
A. Deadlift: 5-5-3-3-2-2: Ascending
B1. OTM [20]: 2 PJ
B2. OTM [20]: 1 set T2B/Hanging knee raises or kipping skill work
C. same
D. Extra: 4×15 2 arm lateral DB raises
Kim’s going to Regionals and you can support her by purchasing a “Team Kim 2015” shirt! All funds will go toward her competition costs.
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