A. Strict Press (3 @ 63%, 3@ 72%, ME@ 81%)
B. Strict Pullups (As many as possible in 3 minutes. Score is total reps). *Adv: Wide Grip or Weighted (required if you can do 15 or more).
C. With one continuous running clock
Push Press (115/80). Push Jerks are acceptable, but not desired.
-then, immediately into-
D. [50 Pushups (Adv: Strict Ring Dips)]
Record time when C completed and time it took to complete D.
Post times, loads, and comments.
04 23 13
A. 90 x8
B. 21 with 18# weight vest
C. 14:14 — tried Rx first two rounds, did not scale appropriately
D. Ended at 19:52
i think my arms are going to fall off…
Lemme guess, you tried the advanced version again, no?
back logging all of my posts…whatever…
i did this.
am. backsquat 20@165
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Squat snatch 65# and t2b w/ 30 dunders between each round 14:48 all dunders unbroken
A. 6@95
B. 7 (not breaking any records)
C. 3:44 85# and GHDs (see the t2b i did earlier…didn’t want to do them again)
7:54 for the pushups…not as bad as I thought
Did this WOD for the Open Gym on Thirs (4/25).