Happy Birthday to Anmar! We’ll have a little celebration at the box!
Help! Roommate needed
WOD 04 23 14
A. Front Squat (5×2@85%)
B. Find a 3RM Weighted Ring Dip (sub def pushup)
C, D, E: (ME): {Work seconds/Rest seconds}. For logistics, athletes may start at C, D or E and cycle through. All 6 rounds of one movement are performed consecutively.
C: Reps: FS (50%) {20/40} – 6 rds
D. Distance: Airdyne {30/30} – 6 rds
E: Reps: KBS (53/35) {20/40} – 6 rds (Adv: KB Snatch)
Comments: What should occur when people fail to put away gym equipment or personal items?
Breaking down the Broken Window Theory.
Post times, loads, and comments.
Photos taken at 4/22/14 9:52 PM
04 23 14
For the record I put Wade’s weight vest there because I didn’t really know where else it could realistically be put and stay out of the way 🙂
thanks Greg! I knew I forgot it as soon as I got home!
I’m starting a pool about how long the current organizational schema will last.
Greg single handedly (because he had coffee in the other hand) cleaned the gym this morning (with excellent supervision I might add) THANKS GREG!
I couldn’t have done it without your thoughtful guidance!!
Who left Anmar out like that? Next time you’re done with him, put him back where he belongs.
this comment! this comment wins!
Happy Birthday Anmar!
Thanks bud!
The question of the day is very hard to answer. I think that could be why anyone has yet attempted.
I feel it will be helpful moving forward that if everything has a home in the gym, that we should know where those homes are. Where do the tumbling mats go when they’re not in use? What about the crash mat? If they’re all pulled out into the gym before we get there, for instance, then we’ll not be able to find where they came from necessarily.
I personally try very hard to keep the gym kept up, and act as an example of the way we’d prefer everyone act. A moment or two of consideration goes a long way in making the gym a place we can all be safe and proud of. However I’m only there for one class a day (technically!).
However rather than a disincentive for not putting our stuff away, how about an incentive for making sure we do, or helping a fellow classmate do the same? A pat on the back, a shout out? A little goes a long way, and keeping the process positive rather than negative will keep up the spirit we exhibit in the rest of our sport.
To this end, thanks for the shout out, Wade 🙂
Well put
I think if you catch someone cleaning the gym, you need to offer to shotgun a beer with them in the parking lot