WOD 04 24 13
A. Deadlift (3 @ 63%, 3@ 72%, ME@ 81%)
B. Romanian deadlift 3×5. Increase weight each set as comfort level increases.
C. 7 Rounds:
5 Deadlifts (65%)
20 Double Unders (Adv: u/b) *sub 8 jumping lunges
Post times, loads, and comments.
04 24 13
Great workout this AM – hard to beat the octagon for deadlifts.
A: 3@ 198, 3 @ 225, 16 (!) @ 255. Attribute this to DL form coming together as
opposed to an overly low 1RM, but we’ll see
B: 135, 155, 155. Probably could add a bit of weight to the last set, these actually feel pretty solid
C: 11:52 (?) @ 255 for the DL’s. Strung together a few 5+ DU’s, so that’s progress. The 20 DU’s killed my time here
This pic. When the exercise is too real and life choices need evaluated. Let’s take a quiet moment with ourselves.
Please tell us, what did you glean from this ‘quiet moment’?
“wanna just go to krispy kreme?”
Indeed, this photo looks intense. Good capture.
A. Got 7 DL’s at 173. Maybe could’ve had more, but brain did not cooperate w/ body and I went down for #8 but didn’t make it back up…
C. Took me 9:55 Rx with 138#.
this pic cracks me up..minutes before there was smiling and lifting occurring…don’t deny it.
did not have time to lift romanian or otherwise, but i did the metcon…3:50@165…probably would have been slower had Carly not been behind me hauling (thanks for the push).
worked on bar mu afterward…all that resulted in was a ripped hand and a bruised ego. some other day
two things about this pic. 1) D looks like some rocking back and forth and thumb sucking is about to ensue, and 2) I look like I should stop brushing my hair with a pork chop. all in all, we’re both thinking precisely the same thing…which is, “that was some vengeance right thurrr.”