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WOD 04 27 13

A. 20 min to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.  Don’t be reckless.  Add weight based on ‘feel’.

B. In teams of 2 or 3: 1 person working at a time:

AMRAP 25 minutes:

30 Front Squats (185/125)

90 Strict Dips*

30 Front Squats (185/125)

120 Strict Pullups*

30 Front Squats (185/125)

150 Pushups (Adv: Parallette, feet elevated)

30 Front Squats (185/125)

180 Wallballs (20#, 10’/14#, 10′)

*bands are acceptable

Post times, loads, and comments.

D$ Vengeance FS

04 27 13
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