Time to bring a friend! – To help us plan, please email us and let us know how many you’re bringing and to which class


WOD 05 03 14

A. Snatch work select:

  • Work up to a heavy set of 3 OHS or
  • Hang Power Snatch (4×3)

B. In teams of 2 w/ 1 PW@T: AMRAP [14]:

7 DL (225/155) Adv: 4 Hang Snatches (135/95)

11 Pushups (Adv: Strict HSPU)

Sprint 100m x 2.

*This metcon can be performed outside.  Set barbells near where the basketball goal used to be and 100m is to the grate and back.

Post times, loads, and comments.Clean setup

05 03 14
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