July 5th, 6th: Regular hours


WOD 07 05 14

A. [20] HS Skills – play with HS.

In teams of 2, with one running clock for 16 minutes, perform B and C:

B. AMRAP [8]:

Partner A: 1 rd = [4 HPC (135/95) + 4 OHS (135/95)]

Partner B: 1 rd = 8  Down-ups.  Burpee w/o chest touch. Jump/clap is required, thighs must touch ground.

Both partners work simultaneously.  Partners alternate roles after each “round”.

C. AMRAP [8]: KB Farmers Carry 2 x 53/35 for max distance. 1PW@T

*Partners switch each time they put the KB down.


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07 05 14
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