WOD 07 17 13
A1. Front Squat (5@65%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@75%)
A2. Wide Grip Pullup (5×3 AHAP). Adv: (Strict MU AHAP)
B. FT [T8/C14]
15-12-9-6-3 Front Squat (135/95)
3-6-9-12-15 Pullup (Adv: CTB)
No racks. (5 Pushups + 5 Burpees) when you drop the bar or come off bar. (Adv: Run 200m)
Post times, loads, and comments.
07 17 13
Don’t forget about this week’s weekly challenge (see the board!)
A1: worked up to 155lbs
A2: check. did one set with 12lbs, failed the 3rd pullup
B: ran out of time with 8 pullups to go. 4 drops, all on front squats – my legs feel good, my front rack position sucks and kills my wrists/fingers.
A1. 75#
A2. Red banded pullups
B. 65# and blue band. Hit the cap with 10 pullups to go. Dropped the bar once on my set of 12 and dropped from my pullups in my set of 12.
Shout out to misty! She giveth and she taketh! Gave me and bonnie a little break during pull up part of word, but then she took it back! But I got 12 pullups unbroken!! So, yah!!
A1. 105#. Feeling WAY better about my front rack with a little help from Lei yesterday.
A2. ALMOST 3 chinups in a row. All the rest two. How far I’ve come.
B. 65#, all front squats unbroken. Subbed 3 chinups plus remainder negatives. Missed a few times, but those negs started to BURN. Met cap with 8 reps to go.
A1. Worked up to 113#
A2. Had to use a purple band to eek out 3 strict pull ups a set.
B. 12:14 with 83# and blue+purple bands. I totally thought that CTB was the normal (not advanced) and when Lei kept telling me it was too much resistance I ditched the purple band around the third set. Lei put the purple back on and ditched the blue for me for my fourth set and I was like: “ummmmmm…are these supposed to be regular pull ups or something? ‘Cause there is no way I’m getting CTB on these…” Then I almost mentally gave up when I thought the penalty was +5 pull ups instead of push ups, in which case I was never going to finish. Silly Foots!
A. didn’t have time to do 🙁
B. did after my 430 class: got up to 2.5lbs…so far from where I use to be on these…
C. did before my 430 class: 7:36ish i think…Rx…broke once at 13/15 pullups 🙁 so close
man! nice work misty…
got to work out with Lei after the 6:30 class….working out not alone is always more fun 🙂
A. 185
B. MU (strict!) tried 10# a lot of times…failed a lot of times
C. 5:54 RX…went for butterfly pullups instead of C2B after watching Carly kill everything