One more time! Carolina Phoenix! Come out and watch some championship level football! (Did you know our own Murphie Chappell is an all star on this team?)
WOD 07 20 13
A. 20 minutes to work up to a 2RM OHS
B. For time: 50 Ring Dips (Adv: + Wt)
C. 4 RFT [T10/C16]:
6 DL (245/175)
12 Pistols
18 Double Unders
Post times, loads, and comments.
07 20 13
Made-up this day during open gym on 7/21…
A. OHS 2RM = 78#
B. Red band on rings = 6:14. But I totally got distracted cheering on the Varsity Team during breaks.
C. Got 9:27 with 143# and using the pole for the pistols.