Interested in getting some grassfed beef?!
WOD 07 22 13
A. BS (1×8@ 65%, 1×8@70%, 1×6@80%, 1×6@85%)
B. Tabata rounds (Sets 1-6 = PU, 7-12 = Situps, 13-18 = WB, 19-24 = Burps)
6 x (20 sec Pushups, 10 sec rest)
6 x (20 sec Situps, 10 sec rest)
6 x (20 sec Wallballs, 10 sec rest)
6 x (20 sec Burpees, 10 sec rest)
Score total reps of each movement. [B] should last 12 minutes.
Post times, loads, and comments.
07 22 13
A. 130#
B. 156 reps total, w/knee push ups
A. BS was aptly named today. The old man hip didn’t want to behave today after a successful last week. I worked on mobility and did a total of about a dozen reps at 65.
B. Wow did I end up feeling awful today. This was rough. Wound up in the 130s overall.
Keepin’ the ol’ chin up. Tomorrow will be better.
Mama (Misty) said there’d be days like this.
A. Failed on the 6th rep at 80% (135#) and on the 2nd rep at 85% (145#). Just wasn’t feeling it today, I guess.
B. Mininum reps/movement: PUs = 5, situps = 9, WBs (10#/10′) = 5, and burpees = 5.