WOD 07 29 13
A1. BS (1×8@ 65%, 1×6@75%, 1×4@85%, 1×4@90%)
A2. Strict Pullup (4 sets for max total reps) (Adv: Legless Rope Ascent)
B. 4 Rounds for max reps:
20 sec ME DL (225/155), 40 sec Rest
20 sec ME Burpees, 40 sec Rest
20 sec ME KB Swing (53/35) , 40 sec Rest (Adv: KB Snatch)
20 sec ME Situps, 40 sec Rest
C. 3 Prowler Pushes (205/155)
Score = total reps of each movement. Post times, loads, and comments.
07 29 13
A1. 350×3 – had to bail on last one…
A2. 32 PUs
B. 176 total
C. Check
A1. 277 – last one was a struggle but got it done
A2. I went LEGLESS
B. 199
C. nope
A1. 220×4 felt so good!
A2. 35 total pullups and 1 legless rope ascent
B. 185? i think
C. my favorite end to a day!
A1: 275×4
A2: Rope ascent x4
B: 163
C: Check.
Awesome squat numbers, everyone!
A1. Failed on rep #3 with 150#.
A2. Could not get more than 3 PUs at a time for the life of me (got 3.5 a bunch of times though…)
B. DLs @ 150# = 25. Burpees = 33. KBS @ 35# = 41. Situps = 59. Total = 158.
C. Check.