WOD 07 30 14
A. DL (5@59%,5@68%,ME@77%)
B. [10] Find a 7RM of T&G PC/HPC OR HPC practice. Focus on proper positioning.
C. 8 rds:
100m sprint*
D. FT [C6]: 50 BS @ 78%. Each time you rack the bar, perform 2 burpees. (get as far as you can)
E. Dolphin Plank (Accumulate 3:00)
*Sprint path: Start at side door parking lot end (near trees) and end at entrace driveway of CC. Walk back to start – start each rd ~ 60-80 sec apart. Keep sprints <15 sec. Designate different distance to run to if this is the case.
Post times, loads, and comments.
07 30 14
This looks ridiculously fun. Excited for 5:30.
I can’t wait to be a dolphin for 3 minutes.
I wonder how many people are going to try to copy this?! Rich Froning wins CrossFit Games for fourth straight year: His workout and diet
those new kilo plates dont bounce well on the pavement
Um whut
roger had us do 155lb barbell roll outs in the parking lot and he said it would be easier to just use a men’s bar and two 20kilo plates