A. q(2:00) x 9
1 CJ
*3@75, 3@80, 3@90%

B. FT [12]
30-24-18-12-6 HPC (95/65) or KBS (53/35)
15-12-9-6-3 BJ

*30/24″ BJ or a slightly higher box than normal. Exercise caution with higher BJ


A. q(2:00) x 9
RD1: 10 RR
RD2: 15cal Bike
RD3: Box Step-ups (“touchdown” step ups)
*stand w/ 1L off side of box, lower under control, ONLY heel of non-working leg taps ground, come up

Extra: 3 RFQ
100’ single KB FC (each arm)
15-25 Russian Twists (with plate)
30sec Hollow Hold

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