A. [10] Explore types of ‘arm hangs’, and ‘ring/bar support’
B. T(2-4), AMRAP [30]:
10-20-30-40…+10/rd Echo Bike Cals, 1PW, switch every 3-6 cals
Accumulate 1:30 bar hang, 1PW, switch every 0:15-0:30*
10-20-30-40…+10/rd OTP-Burpees, 1PW, switch every 3-6 reps
Accumulate 1:30 ring support hold, 1PW, switch every 0:15-0:30**
4 Gym-length Synchronized carries or HS Hold (2xKB Farmers or Sandbag)
*Play with 1 arm hangs, ring or bar, or swinging across rings
**Advanced athletes should play on rings, beginners should play with support on dip bars, or between boxes
C. Mobility [20]
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