WOD 08 22 14
A. FS: 4×8 @ 55%
B. NFT: Work at a steady (70%) pace for [12]:
4 Strict Pullups/4 Negatives
6 Pushups
8 Wallballs (10′). Scale weight NOT height.
C. Skills: Rope Climbs
A. FS: 4×8 @ 55%
B. NFT: Work at a steady (70%) pace for [12]:
4 Strict CTBPU*
6 Strict Ring Dips or Strict HSPU
8 Thrusters (65/45)
*If CTB fails, continue with strict Pullups
C. Skills: Rope Climbs
Post times, loads, and comments.
Nutrition Challenge ends on Saturday! Don’t forget to submit your photos!
08 22 14
Word of the day: Puissance, meaning Power or strength. I really hope to start hearing “LIFT THAT BAR WITH SOME PUISSANCE” now that everyone knows this word!
Hrmm, would that make us Puissants?
This made my afternoon 1000x better; thank you Greg
Can’t look away…
where do I sign up!