WOD 08 30 14
A. [25] F: 1RM Jerk (any style)
A. [25] P: 1RM Clean and Jerk (Clean can be any style)
B. [15] “Fran”
FT: 21-15-9 of
Thruster (95/65)
Post times, loads, and comments.
Labor Day Weekend Schedule:
Saturday, Sunday: Normal Hours
Monday: 9AM, 10AM. All other classes cancelled.
Alright folks, it’s testing week! Time to see our improvements! Post your PA’s!
From the archives: Training, Testing, Competing
08 30 14
took my training to outside the box today and dusted off the tri-bike, did just over 21 miles in an hour. felt good but absolutely obliterated my quads.
My butt hurts whenever I read about road biking