Greg Chest to Bar Pullup

WOD 09 06 14

A. EOMOM: PP 5×3

B. EOMOM: PJ 4×2


Perform C, D, and E in teams of 3 w/ 1PW@T (P/F) and one rolling clock.

C. [A6]


21 burpees


D. [A6]

36 Pistols / Goblet Squats (53/35)

36 T2B


E. [A6]

10 Cleans / DL (185/125)

10 CTBPU/ Strict Pullup

Post times, loads, and comments.

09 06 14

One thought on “09 06 14

  • 09 06 2014 at 12:31 pm

    This was a super fun day today. The team metcon was a great mix of movements and the teams of three kept it challenging.

    P. 1/1/1 – Feelin’ pretty dern good today.
    A. (EMOM) 105
    B. (EMOM) 125
    With Kristen and Carly
    C. 4+0. Rx, first time doing hand-over-hand, so was good experience. Core burned out quickly to get knees up, but was able to keep them going well enough. [7]
    D. 2+50 Assisted pistols (vertical bar). [6]
    E. 3+6, 125#. Worked cleans from the floor so I kept coming forward. Weight worked out for these given they were fast full cleans. CTB felt great today, and strung together well. [7]

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