WOD 09 24 12
A1. BTN Snatch grip Press 3-3-3
B1. Wide Grip Pullup 3 sets of max reps (If you cannot perform these, begin by working negatives with a heavier than normal band)
C. Accumulate 2 minutes of inverted (handstand) position while breaking as little as possible.
D. 10 min AMRAP:
u/b KB Swings (53/35)
u/b Top-to-top Pushups
When you reach a set where you cannot complete both sets unbroken, start back over at 2 for both movements. The same number of KB Swings and Pushups must be performed each round.
Post the highest number reached.
Post loads and times to comments.
09 24 12
Worked up to 45lb BTN snatch grip press and did negatives on the pull ups. 60/30/30sec handstands. Completed 10, 6, and a couple sets of 2 on the metcon.
Strong work 5:30.
It’s great getting to know some of the new faces!
A1: 60# for BTN snatch grip press
B1: 1, 1, 1 for the wide grip pullups
C1: 1 min + 30 sec + 30 sec handstands
D1: 14 Rx!! Made it to 10/16 pushups but hit muscle failure. Made it through 1 additional round of 2.