WOD 10 03 14
A. BS (8×3)
B1. 5 Burpee Broad Jumps for distance
B2. Reverse Lunge back to start
C (P). [AMRAP 8]:
4 BS @ 60%
7 Target Burpees (6″)
C (F). [AMRAP 8]:
4 BS @ 60%
0:30 total Hollow Hold
7 Target Burpees (6″)
Post times, loads, and comments.
10 03 14
Happy Friday…thanks for the positive boost Dennis, great way to start the day
A. 145
B 1/2. um…whut? i did 5 burpee broad jumps and got a total of 34′ across the gym with those.
C. 5+6(p) @135
A) 265#’s –wasn’t too hard but I had a couple dirty striper reps but over all it was a good weight
B) ~40′ each of the THREE rounds
C) P- 4+3 @ 185# (this felt super heavy)