A. 3 Rounds for max reps:
1:00 WB (20/14)
1:00 KBS (53/35)
1:00 Burpee Box Jumps Overs (20″)
1:00 HSPU (Strict or Kipping)
1:00 Cal Row
1:00 REST

OTM [12]: (3 rounds) Full Snatch
B1. 2 @ 70%
B2. 2 @ 73%
B3. 2 @ 76%
B4. Rest



A. 3 Rounds for max reps:
1:00 Air Squats/Jumping Squats
1:00 KBS (53/35)
1:00 Box Jumps OR Burpees
1:00 PP (75/55) or DB PP (30/20)
1:00 Cal Row
1:00 REST

*Scale to allow you to work for 40-50 sec/min.

OTM [12]: Hang Squat Clean
Increase weight each minute. Min 9-12 should be heavy but shoudl still not result in any missed lifts.

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