WOD 12 02 14
A1. 1 armed DB/KB Press 5×6 each arm
A2. Front Lean on Rings or Parallettes (5 x 0:45).
B (P). Perform max T&G clean at any (2) of the following weights.
(225/185/155/135) / (155/125/105/85)
B(F). KBS: 50 Total NFT. Focus on form.
C (P). AMRAP [10]:
4 Clean
4 STO (135/95)
C (F). AMRAP [10]:
8 Pushups
12 KBS
Post times, loads, and comments.
12 02 14
a unilateral DB press is probably best performed while holding two DB one in each hand and while pressing one the other to be held at the waist, (for balance of course) and then should alternate the arm pressing so as to maximize recovery of the shoulder between reps! hmmmm so the question remains of how does one lift a DB from waist height to shoulder height?! some crosafit overlord should come up with some highly efficient way to move a DB waist to shoulder without excessive rotating the elbow around the DB…. hmmm….
A1. 25#
A2. hard
B. 20@85#, 11@125#
C. 8 RX(P)….
very sore from yesterday
A1. 25#
A2. as Kris said…hard
B. 26@85#, 9@125#
C. 4+3 (P) with 1abmat…I watched Kris lap me multiple times, didn’t realize it was like 4 times…
Misty, I honestly thought you were going at the same pace and was trying to not get beaten by you…thanks for the push
lol thats b/c it took me the same time to do 4HSPUs as it took you to do a full round… so I could see how it would appear that we were going at the same pace
Impressed at C!
A1. 44
A2. Yep
B. 3@185, 3@155. Cleans felt off.
C. 6+1. HSPU in fell apart in rd 5.
A: 35#
B: 14 @ 135#, 6 @ 185#
C: 5+8, box for hspu