It goes farther than just impeccable form on your lifts.
It means more than hitting the range of motion on every single rep – no matter how exhausted or wobbly you are.
Virtuosity is more than just skillful ability.
It is also character. It is how you treat your fellow classmates before, during and after a WOD.
It is how you cheer each other on, how you choose to be competitive.
Do you build others up when you compete with them, or do you tear them down?
Is it more about you winning than it is about you improving? Is the score on the board (and where it ranks) more important than how you got it? More important than what your form or ROM was like?
Is it more about who gets their pullups first? Who “deserves” their pullups the most? Or is it a shared celebration each time one of you graduates into the pullup club?
We are all successful because of the community. A community partly built on our shared blood, sweat, tears, ripped blisters and sore muscles, but a community founded on our character.
But communities are fragile, they are little ecosystems easily destroyed by a few actions, a few words, a few moments.
CrossFit isn’t just about stopping the clock the fastest, lifting the heaviest weight, or doing the WOD Rx’d.
It is each and every one of our jobs to help each other improve, be it the firebreather next to you or the person taking their first steps off the couch.
Are you doing your job?
Our HOLIDAY PARTY is this Saturday!
Start thinking about those 2014 goals!
Movement Screens this week!
New Athlete Profile!
WOD 12 10 13
A1. Bench Press (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%)
A2. Skin the cat (3 sets of 1-3 reps. Spend time on the rings if this is a new skill for you. All reps should be done with precision and control)
B. AMRAP 12 min:
1 Rope Climb or (3/1) MU
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
Alternate Rope Climbs with Muscle ups each successive round.
For Rope Climbs, scale to 10′ or accumulate 10 sec static hang on rope
For MU, scale to (15/10) total dips.
For DU, spend a maximum of 1 min/rd.
Post times, loads, and comments.
Thanks to everybody who came out on Sunday to our meeting about the War of the WODs competition in Greensboro on 1/26!
Here are the teams we have:
M/M Rx: Roger/Bryant
M/F Rx:Josh/Snarles
F/F Rx:Dunsey/Kim
M/M Scaled:Daniel/Matthew,
M/F Scaled: Nina/David, Murph/Greg
F/F Scaled: Lorena/Maggie
If anyone else interested in competing post to comments or let me know!