A. 5 Sets
1 Tempo sPress + 2 sPress
*40X1 on first rep
*90% of 5RM

B. 1 Sets
Max sPress reps @ 70% of 5RM

C. AMRAP [15]
60 DU
30 WB
15 DL 275/185

Extra: 5 x 1
Pausing Snatch DL
2sec pause off floor, at knee, mid-thigh, standing, mid-thigh, at knee & off floor


A. 5 Sets
1 Tempo sPress + 2 sPress
*40X1 on first rep
*90% of 5RM

B. 1 Sets
Max sPress reps @ 70% of 5RM

C. AMRAP [15]
60 SU or Plate Hop
30 AS
15 DL or KBS

WU: 2x
1:00 Machine + 6 Muscle Clean & Press


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