A. q(2:00) x 3
Directly into…
q(2:00) x 3
Max sRing Push Ups
*1 u/b set each round
B. q(10:00) x 3
30/24 cal Row
200m Run
30/24 cal AAB
200m Run
*7min cap
Extra: 4 Rounds
50DU + max HS walk with remaining time
REST [1]
A. q(2:00) x 3
Max DB sPress
Directly into…
q(2:00) x 3
Max DB Curls
*1 u/b set each round
*pick a weight you can complete 10-15 reps with when fresh
B. q(10:00) x 3
30/24 cal Row
200m Run
30/24 cal AAB
200m Run
*7min cap
*adjust cals to meet the cap
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