Garage Gym

A. AMRAP [5]
600m run + 1 round of Cindy + max SC 135/95
Rest [5]
400m run + 2 round of Cindy + max SC 155/105
Rest [5]
200m run + 3 round of Cindy + max SC 185/135

Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited Equip)

A. AMRAP [5]
600m run + 1 round of Cindy + single DB SC
Rest [5]
400m run + 2 round of Cindy + single DB SC
Rest [5]
200m run + 3 round of Cindy + single DB SC

B. Alternating EMOM x 10 (5 rounds)
Minute 1: Max pushups
Minute 2: Max Hollow Rocks

WU: 3x
20 Cossack squats + 15 calf raises + 10 GM


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