Our nutrition challenge starts today!  If you still want in, email us!

“BulletProof Coffee” – by Anmar


WOD 01 13 14

A. Back Squat (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%).  Use 1RM from last week.  Target >6 reps.

B. (If >5 Pullups) Bent Over Row: 4 sets for Max reps (135/95).  Pullup Program if <5 Pullups.

C. AMRAP 8 min:

9 Thrusters(95/65)

9 Pullups (Adv: CTB)

Comments: What advice and words of wisdom do you have to people starting the nutrition challenge?

Post times, loads, and comments.

Rob Overhead Squat

01 13 14
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8 thoughts on “01 13 14

  • 01 12 2014 at 9:37 pm

    1. Plan ahead. It’s hard to do Paleo on the fly.
    2. Don’t let yourself get hungry. It’s easier to avoid temptation if you’re full.
    3. Tuna plus a small avocado makes tasty and portable tuna salad.

  • 01 12 2014 at 10:32 pm

    “All know the way, Few actually walk it”

  • 01 12 2014 at 11:15 pm

    Whatever you do, don’t miss meals. Feed the workouts, and they’ll show you the results.

    Make friends with meat. With bread and pasta gone, meat will bring the most flavor to your life. That, and it’s really really weird to eat for breakfast. Get used to it, find things that work. Eggs, lots and lots of eggs.

    If you have to stray, do it a little, once. Don’t cheat every day, here and there. If you have a bad bad day and you just can’t get on the wagon, then leave that behind you and get back on there.

    Good luck!

    • 01 13 2014 at 11:23 am

      As for today, way to ninja in Fran without “Fran” 😉 What a colorful way to Monday:
      A. 6×155. I think my Last Supper kept me from getting farther with these.
      B. 18@95
      C. 5+3. Felt good overall, but still can’t wait for the day thrusters sit on my delts.

  • 01 12 2014 at 11:53 pm

    Eat lots of protein, fats, and veggies. Eat until satiety and focus on staying away from grains. Get past the first 2 weeks and smooth sailing from there!

    If you feel sluggish, eat more! And make sure to get protein at every meal!

    • 01 13 2014 at 11:21 am

      However, do NOT eat until Satyr-ed:

  • 01 13 2014 at 8:28 pm

    A. 10×155
    B. 33×65
    C.4+9 Rx Adv…had no intension of doing C2B…darn the 430 peer pressure

  • 01 13 2014 at 11:59 pm

    Don’t be afraid of fat.

    Don’t be afraid of salt, either. If you feel like crap during the first few weeks, more salt might help. Like, an extra gram or two/day. Drinking broth is an easy way to get it.

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