07 15 14

WOD 07 15 14 A. BP (5@68%,3@77%,ME@86%) B. Underhand Bent Over Row (4×8) (1 sec hold @ top) C. 5 Rds NFT [15] 7 DH Pullups 7 KB Snatch OR DB Hang Snatch (each arm) 49 DU C. 5RFT (Adv) [20]: 7

01 13 14

Our nutrition challenge starts today!  If you still want in, email us! “BulletProof Coffee” – by Anmar   WOD 01 13 14 A. Back Squat (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%).  Use 1RM from last week.  Target >6 reps. B. (If >5 Pullups) Bent Over Row:

07 08 13

Nutrition Challenge starts today! WOD 07 08 13 A. BS (1×10@ 60%, 1×8@65%, 1×8@70%, 1×8@75%). B1. Bent Over Row 3×6 AHAP.  Minimal to no rest after Rows. B2. 20 second flex hang (supinated grip) x 3.  Rest up to 2-3