Cedric Deadlift 14.3

WOD 08 20 14

A. DL 5×5 @ 60%
B. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of (FS/T2B or ABMSU)
Rest [3]
C. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of (DL/Burpee)
Rest [3]
D. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of (Burpee/T2B).

A. Snatch Halting DL (BK)+ 2 Sn Chinese Pull (6×1)
B. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of OHS (135/95) / T2B
Rest [3]
C. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of DL (185/125) / Burpee
Rest [3]
D. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of Squat Clean (185/125) / T2B

Post times, loads, and comments.

08 20 14
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5 thoughts on “08 20 14

  • 08 19 2014 at 9:47 pm


  • 08 20 2014 at 10:30 am

    Great picture!!

  • 08 20 2014 at 12:08 pm

    I forget who I was talking to about the erg’s calorie formula but I found it so here it is; From Concept2 website:
    Due to the differences in body weight and efficiency, calories on the PM2 are only an approximation of calories burned by the person rowing. The formula used in the PM2 is as follows:
    Calories = (4x ave. watts/1.1639) + 300 cal/hour x time rowed (in hours).

    This formula assumes a person of 175 pounds (80 kg.) and a base rate of 300 cal/hour to move your body through the rowing motion at 30 strokes/minute.”

  • 08 20 2014 at 12:42 pm


    A: 135#
    B: 3 rounds @ 105#
    C: 3 + 7 rx
    D: 2 + 3 @ 155#

  • 08 20 2014 at 9:49 pm

    P – 4:30PM
    A: Skipped due to time (Sad to have missed this)
    B: 20 reps @ 135# – uncharacteristically went too heavy on the OHS
    C: 43 reps @ 185#
    D: 21 reps @ 135#

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