A. (P) Work to a H1 Clean & Jerk
A. (F) Clean practice OR H2 FS
B. FT:
15-12-9 Deadlifts (275/185)
16-16-16 Deficit Pushups
Perform 5 Strict Pullups at the top of every minute (:00). Scale to 3-5 reps as needed.
C. Max Weighted Plank hold (45/35 placed at lumbar): 2 attempts
D1. Scap Pull + 1 sec hold 4×8
D2. Horizontal Ring Row 4×10
This Sunday we will have teams competing at the FireStarter Challenge! The competition will be held at Triangle CrossFit in south Raleigh. The address is 10107 Division Dr, Raleigh, NC 27603. Come out and support our teams!
06 12 05
a few months ago I was was watching a recording of “The Last Lecture” Randy Pausch’s last lecture as a professor. He mentioned in it something along the lines of; when a teacher/coach doesn’t take the time to correct you and tell you what you are doing wrong, it is usually because they just don’t care about you… I immediately thought of crossfit RTP where The coaches wouldn’t let me get away with a single bad rep (kris would yell from the couch when she wasn’t even coaching NO REP WADE) and the Box I’m at now where the coaches are never seen coaching once the clock starts. that part of his lecture really made my think about how lucky I was to have had coaches that cared! and today while visiting Tabata Times I came across another article titled The Art of Coaching [ http://www.tabatatimes.com/the-art-of-coaching/ ]… and again I thought of all the coaches at RTP
You guys rock!
thanks for setting such a high standard for me in crossfit both as athletes and coaches!
all the best!